Hawkeye, Franny’s best friend, is a 20+ year old miniature horse gelding who came to us from the Humane Society with Franny. He was also untouched and ran away from people. Hawkeye is now just as friendly as Franny! He works with Franny during therapy sessions to mirror human behavior. Hawkeye likes training and working on new things; he is quick to learn once he understands! He also very much enjoys any sweet treats!
Franny, Hawkeye’s best friend, is a 20 + year old miniature horse mare that came to us from the Human Society. She was in a field and untouched for ten years, as far as we know! When she first came to us, she was very spooky and did not want to be around people. Now she will greet people at the gate. She and Hawkeye work as a team in therapy sessions. They have been most successful at group therapy. They are very good at mirroring human behavior, which the therapist can then point out to the clients. Franny is especially fond of anything sweet and chasing the train next to her paddock!